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Let us prove to you how our services set us apart.

We each have a unique story to tell that makes us who we are. It is known that life involves a series of moments, experiences, and encounters that will leave us trying to review what we have learned, what we want, and what we truly need.


At PBH Behavioral Consulting and Counseling LLC, our mission is to offer you guidance with each chapter of life providing multiple roadmaps to address the difficult decisions that may seem overwhelming but with the strong potential to develop positive growth. 

The vision of PBH Behavioral Consulting and Counseling LLC is to ensure that positive behavioral decisions are a daily option presented to you by a highly qualified licensed mental health professional who is able to personally relate, who not only has educational but life expertise, but most importantly, who is willing to understand the individualized circumstances your life presents.

A choice you can believe in. Click each image below to search Heather Landry, LPC-S, LPC-A. 

Advanced Training documentation available upon request.

A black and white, circular logo with the state of Louisiana and the initials LPC in the middle. In the two rings of the circle it reads, "License Professional Counselors Board of Examiners." There are two stars inside the two rings as well.
A logo for the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council sits on a black background. The outised of the logo is a yellow or gold circle. There are several black rings that fade the further they get away from the outside of the logo. It reads Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council. There are more black rings inside the text. Inside of thse rings is a 3D star surrounded by leaves.
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Credential Guide

  • BSBA: Bachelor of Science Business Administration/Management

  • LPC-S: Licensed Professional Counselor

  • LPC-A: Licensed Professional Counselor Appraisal Privileging 

  • LMHP: Licensed Mental Health Professional 

  • LMHC: Licensed Mental Health Counselor

  • CPC: Clinical Professional Counselor 

  • CE: Custody Evaluator

  • PC: Parent Coordinator

  • RT: Reunification Therapy  

Professional Organizations 
Click each organization to learn more. 
A blue and grey logo of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts on a white background. There is a minimalistic drawing of a stick figure family of three under the roof of a house.
AFCC Louisiana.jpg
The logo for the Lafayette Bar Association. It features the letters "L" and "B" written on in white on a dark blue square or rectangle. The dark blue is outlines by a white frame and then a red frame. This all sits on a white background. To the write of the logo read "Lafayette Bar" in the same dark blue as the logo. Underneath those words it says "Association & Foundation" in red.
A logo of a circle surrounding the state of Louisiana. Louisiana is colored in to look like the American Flag. The circle is light blue and states "Louisiana Veteran Owned Business."
A rectangular logo for It features a red silhouette of Texas surrounded by the words "Collaborative Divorce Texas" written in light blue. There is a read line underneath with more light blue words that read "Divorce Differently." It is on a white background with a black border.
A logo indicating Heather T. Landry has been verified by Psychology Today.
A black and white logo for Inside the "C" of the word connections is a line drawing of a traingular shape with a woman inside of it.
A blue and gold circular logo with a spherical grid in the middle in shades of blue affected by light. The log reads Lafayette Women's Chamber of Commerce. It also says Lafayette Women's Chamber of Commers to the right of the logo on a white background.
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